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M150 - m150 - officer of the polish-lithuanian hussars

M150 - M150 - Officer of the Polish-Lithuanian hussars

ref. EK Castings Zinnfigur – M150 - Officer of the Polish-Lithuanian hussars

h1>M150 - Officer of the Polish-Lithuanian hussars - XVII  
Officers hussar banners were the captain and the lieutenant, the latter usually directly commanded the unit. Captain, being, as a rule, noble baron remained a titular chief.
In the 1670s among the Polish-Lithuanian nobility, who considered themselves descendants of the Sarmatians, was extended leather armor covered with metal scales - so-called "Karatsu". In this manner can be manufactured and gloves and shoulder pads, and even utterly. The most widely karatsenovye armor received by King John III Sobieski (1674-1696gg.), Whom contemporaries called the "king-Sarmat".

Officer on red long-tailed Zupan, on top of which are wearing chain mail and armor steel karatsenovy. As ornaments - plated on lion muzzle Mantle, leopard skin slung over his shoulder, and white feather on the helmet. In his right hand ranking weapon - shestopor. Boots of yellow leather.

- € TTC

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